WordPress For Beginners - Posts & Pages

Video Transcript

When you've logged into the WordPress admin you will see the Posts and Pages menu items on the sidebar menu.

Hovering over Posts you will see a flyout menu with entries All Posts, Add New, Categories and Tags

Clicking the Posts menu item or all posts menu item in the flyout menu will display a table of all the posts you currently have on your site.

At the top of this page you will see a button labelled Add New.

Clicking this will display the Block Editor. This is the main editing experience in WordPress

Filling in the title where requested will create a url friendly version of this page title which will be used for your pages website address. Once a page has been saved you can edit this in the sidebar within this editor.

You can now begin typing your content into the main editor box.

If you click the blue square + button you will see other content you can create using the block editor.

We'll cover using these other content blocks later.

Suffice to say at this point every time you add a new paragraph you are creating a new paragraph block

The editor panel on the right hand side can tab between controls that affect the post or the block you currently have selected.

Turning back to the post controls you can change the visibility of a post, change the date and time when a post is published, update the author for a post etc.

Further down the post editor controls you will see options labelled categories, tags, featured image, excerpt and discussion.

The categories panel, when opened, will allow you to assign a post to a category.

The tags panel, when opened, will allow you to create or assign a post to a new or existing tag

The featured image panel will allow you to associate this post with an image. Clicking the set featured image label will display a media library / media upload panel which enables you to upload an image or select one from those you've previously uploaded.

Once you've selected an image you wish to use you can enter alt text, a title, caption and description for an image. Clicking the set featured image button will close the dialog and save the association with the post.

Clicking the excerpt panel will allow you to enter a small text snippet that, depending on your theme, will be shown where you don't want the full body text of a post to be displayed.

Clicking the discussion panel will display 2 checkboxes to enable you to control whether a page will allow user comments and another if it should allow special signals called pingbacks and trackbacks from external websites.

Once you've finished editing your post, you can either save it as a draft or click the publish button.

To view settings for the editor itself click the three dots button.

To toggle the right hand editor panel for space when editing click the black backgrounded cog.

On clicking on publish you will once again be asked to confirm publishing settings before clicking the publish button again to confirm.

Adding a page is very similar to this, except you do not assign pages to categories or assign tags.

Editing use the same editor and the same basic method as adding posts / pages.

Back on the posts screen you will see bulk actions. These are actions you can take against one or more post at once.

Clicking on quick edit underneath each page or post you can manage some of the page or posts settings directly from this listing screen, for example for posts you can choose categories / tags that a post is in, change status of a post / page and update publishing date.

Posts when deleted in WordPress are not immediately deleted permanently, but rather placed in a bin where they are kept for 30 days. After this they are deleted.

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