Blog Articles

Boost website speed with an Amazon Cloudfront CDN, S3 & AWS Certificate Manager
  • Web Development

Boost website speed with an Amazon Cloudfront CDN, S3 & AWS Certificate Manager

Google uses the speed of a website as a ranking signal. According to them it is a critical factor in providing a good user experience. When users visit a website, they expect it to load fast and without interruption. In this article I will outline the use of a CDN to boost website performance. I will show how to setup a CDN using Amazon Cloudfront, S3 and Amazon Certificate Manager.

HTML Select input for Laravel Jetstream using Vue3
  • Web Development

HTML Select input for Laravel Jetstream using Vue3

Was in need of a Select input using Vue3 for a project I've just started using Laravel Jetstream with Laravel Inertia. They don't provide a select input as part of the supplied component collection, so created one myself.

The Importance of Responsive Web Design for SEO Success
  • Web Development

The Importance of Responsive Web Design for SEO Success

Users are now as likely to use a mobile or tablet device to access your website as they are a desktop. It is crucial to have a responsive web design that enhances the user experience. In this article, we'll focus on the importance of responsive web design for SEO success.

What is responsive design and why is it so important for your website?
  • Web Development

What is responsive design and why is it so important for your website?

Website design is still a relatively young discipline. When it first started websites were designed primarily using HTML tables with content in cells and rows similar to spreadsheets. In this article we cover how responsive web design came about and why it is so important when you design a web site or design an ecommerce website.

3 fantastic css layout frameworks for designing for web
  • Web Development

3 fantastic css layout frameworks for designing for web

A CSS layout system or CSS framework is a collection of code used by developers to speed up development. Frameworks provide a set of common, tested, cross-browser code. Features often include mobile responsive utilities, grids, buttons and tables.