- Problems & Solutions
Timesaving country codes for online shops & forms
When developing a website or app you may find the need for codes to store a users country in a database or use in a form.
Problems and solutions faced by web developers and clients including how to setup services, what to do when errors occur and other issues.
When developing a website or app you may find the need for codes to store a users country in a database or use in a form.
A content security policy is something that provides an additional layer of protection for websites against certain types of security threat such as cross-site scripting attacks, but you probably don't have one.
In this guide, I will give steps to fix the WordPress White Screen Of Death whereupon your site appears to have a white screen and is not showing any of your design.
It's pretty easy to seed a geospatial point to a Laravel DB once you sort through the cruft of people telling you to do it this way or another.
So got an extension to build and need to install a web app that uses Mcrypt. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with Mcrypt on MacBooks with Homebrew and PHP 7.3. This article was originally written and published on Medium
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